Why We Fight

So you have found us... Good. This is for the common folk. the people who like going to a good restaurant and getting a good meal and good service. We are the good patrons, We don't bitch and We don't moan. We expect good service and aren't rich, so We tip well. We have worked in restaurants in our storied pasts and understand the job.. We see the bad patrons and loathe them, sometimes out loud and within earshot... We are usually quiet but in bigger groups can get a little -how do you say- unruly. If your service is terrible We'll still give you a good tip. Often this is to spite you. If you are an ecxellent server, We'll undoubtedly hook you up. Join us.

The Village Idiot

The Village Smokehose, in Brookline village, SUX!!!! They used to rule. their briskett was so tit with mashed taters and cornbread and shit. now they got these bullshit powder pre-made mashed potatoes just add water or whaterver the fuck, and their service is revolting. the place was at about 20% capacity, and bitchface took 10 minutes to bring my beer, with no lemon, which i specifically asked for. and then i ask for a lemon (again) and she's like, "omg did you already ask me that? saaaawwwry! smileyface smileyface smileyface! teehee!" and then it takes 10 more minutes to get my lemon. so then she has to say "omg did you already ask me that?" like 3 more times. if you're just gonna hire T & A for your servers, make sure they're happy to be there. i was there with my buddy dave slater on like a man date men united 4 meat, right? and this shit drags on an on, so we left her $1 each for a tip. i tip huge, even when the service sucks, as long as they're trying, because i appreciate anyone bringing me food and alcohol. but this was above and beyond shatty. my god, people, get your act together. and while i'm on it, your little motto is retarded. Coke was actually "Coke" before it was a cola, and people been smokin them karate stix since before any juke joints came around, or any "joints", for that matter. "i wish the Village Smokehouse still had unbelievably kickass food and the service was good". my only explanation is they just don't want younger people coming in to drink beers and then spilling out into the pristine tranquil neighborhoods of uppity Brookline, so they treat us like caca poopoo. well yet again, and perhaps for the final time, FUCK YOU BROOKLINE!
The Village Smokehouse
1 Harvard Street
Brookline Village, MA. 02445


NinjaDeathFork said...

big fan of tit briskett.

does that make me gay? i'm pretty sure it doesn't what with the tit part.

Patches "Pinner" Kowalski said...

im inclined to agree.